NATHE Bits for sensitive Horses

by Felicitas, April 12, 2024

Advantages of NATHE bits

  • Made from high-quality thermoplastic

  • Made in Germany

  • dimensionally stable & high mechanical strength

  • smooth surface - no eraser effect

  • temperature-neutral, good cold flexibility

  • anti-allergenic, excellent tolerability

  • Safety due to steel core (description accordingly)

  • rings & side parts made of high-quality stainless steel

  • food-safe, free from plasticizers and solvents

schwarze trensen mit nathe gebissen

NATHE by riders for riders

We have been distributing the popular NATHE bits worldwide since January 2020. The high-quality thermoplastic bits from NATHE, manufactured in Germany, perfectly complete our SPRENGER bit range and enable us to offer an even wider range of bits. Not only the products but also NATHE's motto "by riders for riders" fits perfectly with our philosophy of working closely with professional riders and scientists when developing new products.

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Why plastic bits?

The high-quality thermoplastic from which NATHE bits are made has a smooth surface, is food-safe and free from plasticizers and solvents. Thermoplastic is also temperature-neutral, which makes the bit comfortable for the horse even in cold temperatures.

The smooth surface means that there is no 'eraser effect' as with rubber bits and the bits are also readily accepted by sensitive horses. NATHE bits are available as mullen mouth bits, with a single or double jointed mouthpiece and a variety of cheek pieces. You will find everything from classic training bits to dressage weymouths and special jumping bits such as the NATHE tandem bit.

The NATHE mullen mouths are available in different degrees of hardness and with or without port to suit the different anatomies in the horse's mouth. The joints of the NATHE single and double jointed bits are turned forwards by 45° to ensure an optimum position in the mouth and prevent palatal pressure.

The new NATHE single and double jointed bits

The NATHE single and double jointed bits are back with an upgrade! To ensure that the single and double jointed bits continue to meet our quality standards, we have changed the material of the joints from plastic to stainless steel after intensive analysis and development. The mouthpieces themselves are still made of high-quality thermoplastic, which is what makes our NATHE bits so popular. To ensure durability, the mouthpieces are fitted with a continuous stainless steel core, which also covers the bit rings. In addition to optimizing the material, we have also improved the alignment of the joint eyes. They are now tilted forward by 45°, which ensures even pressure distribution and prevents palatal pressure. As before, the mouthpieces are marked with a pink "N" on the outside of each end. One of them is also marked with a small arrow. The bit is correctly buckled when this arrow points forwards on the left hand.

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Protection against breakage - continuous stainless steel core

The continuous metal connection of the bit shanks makes the NATHE bits particularly high quality and distinguishes them from manufacturers who only screw metal connectors into the plastic bit shanks with the help of screws.

The stainless steel core protects against bit breakage and thus provides additional safety. Most NATHE mullen mouth bits also have a stainless steel core. You can find more information on the respective product page.

NATHE meets SENSOGAN - the best of both worlds

Would you like to make your new NATHE bit particularly appealing to your horse? Or would you like to stimulate chewing activity but stick with a synthetic bit? Then the NATHE water snaffle with SENSOGAN centerpiece could be just the thing for your four-legged friend. The SENSOGAN copper alloy from SPRENGER specifically stimulates the horse's chewing activity and promotes acceptance of the bit.

NATHE weymouths and NATHE bradoons

Are you already riding with NATHE bits and want to switch to a double bridle? Don't worry, you will also find NATHE weymouths and bradoons in our range. NATHE weymouth bits are available with small or large port, with short or long cheeks. All models have mirror caps instead of the pink 'N' on the side of the mouthpiece. The bradoon should be selected according to the everyday bit, i.e. if you ride with a single jointed bit, choose the NATHE single jointed bradoon. If you have a double jointed loose ring snaffle as standard, choose the NATHE double jointed bradoon.

NATHE special bits

Our NATHE range also offers all kinds of special models, for example the NATHE 3-ring bit with sliding cheek or the NATHE RNF bit. Both bits are suitable for jumping and cross-country and offer various buckling options that allow you to vary the pressure on the poll.

The NATHE standard bit with additional small ring combines the advantages of the loose ring snaffle with continuous rings with those of a fixed side piece. The small ring ensures that the mouthpiece can only slide to a limited extent, so that the rein aid acts more directly on the tongue. A quiet position of the bit is also suitable for horses with contact problems. In addition, the large rings cannot be turned outwards and therefore act as a lateral boundary and provide support when riding turns.

part of your passion.


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