Horse Riding Vacation

by Felicitas, June 21, 2024


What rider doesn't dream of galloping through the waves with their beloved four-legged friend? A vacation with a horse by the sea is a dream for many riders. The freedom of galloping across the beach, feeling the wind in your hair and hearing the sound of the waves is incomparable. To make your beach vacation perfect, high-quality and reliable equipment is essential. This is where SPRENGER products come into play, as they are not only known for their quality, but also for their durability and comfort. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the best SPRENGER products that are indispensable for a vacation by the sea with a horse.

Stirrups from SPRENGER: safety and comfort in one

Stainless stirrups like the classic Fillis stirrup

The classic Fillis stirrup from Sprenger is made of stainless steel and offers outstanding stability and durability. These stirrups are ideal for beach riding as they do not rust even when in contact with salt water. The simple but robust design of the Fillis stirrup ensures that you always have a secure grip, no matter how wild the rides on the beach get.

SPRENGER Bow Balance and Flexcite articulated stirrups

For additional comfort and joint protection, we recommend the Bow Balance and Flexcite stirrups from Sprenger. These innovative stirrups are equipped with an joint that enables a flexible movement and reduces stress on the rider's tendons, ligaments and joints. This can make a big difference, especially on long rides on the beach, as the strain on knees and ankles is reduced. The Bow Balance stirrups also offer a wider tread surface that provides optimum support for the foot and prevents slipping. The non-slip rubber tread provides a good grip even when wet and can be replaced with a stainless steel stirrup tread for additional grip if required.

The specially curved shape of the Bow Balance and Flexcite stirrups ensures that the stirrup is optimally balanced and can be picked up easily. It also supports an optimum leg position and brings the rider's leg close to the horse. The rubber protects the joints from water so that nothing stands in the way of a trip into the cool water!

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Stainless steel spurs: precision and durability

Not only the stirrups, but also the spurs quickly come into contact with salt water on a beach vacation with your horse. So it's a good thing that we're well equipped for this too! Our stainless steel spurs don't mind this at all. Our biothane spur straps are ideal for beach vacations as they are waterproof and dirt-repellent. So you can rely on your equipment and enjoy your ride on the beach to the full!

Classic ULTRA fit and ULTRA fit EXTRA GRIP models

SPRENGER also focuses on quality and functionality when it comes to spurs. The ULTRA fit and ULTRA fit EXTRA GRIP models made of stainless steel are the perfect companions for a beach vacation with your horse. They offer precise aids and are extremely durable at the same time. To guarantee an optimum fit, you can easily adjust the spurs to your boot by gently bending them. The special spur strap guide through the Balkenhol loop also ensures a non-slip fit. Our EXTRA GRIP models also have a rubber coating that provides even more grip and comfort while protecting the boot leather.

Spurs with or without rowel

Whether you choose spurs with or without a rowel depends on your personal preferences and your horse's level of training. Spurs with a rowel, e.g. with a ball wheel or comfort roller, enable even finer and more targeted aids to be given. Rowel spurs are also suitable for horses with sensitive coats, as the rowel glides over the coat. The classic spurs without a rowel, on the other hand, are ideal for riders who prefer a more direct contact.

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SPRENGER bell boots

Is your horse wearing horseshoes or do you want to protect it from overreaching? Especially if your horse is not yet used to riding through water, it can make particularly large strides and accidentally injure itself or kick off a horseshoe. Our rubber bell boots are ideal for protecting against this. Another big advantage: the bell boots do not have a touch tape fastener that can soak up water and then quickly come undone. They are also easy to care for, simply rinse briefly with clean water and they look like new again!

Well equipped for your beach vacation with Sprenger products

A beach vacation with your horse will be a fantastic experience that you won't forget. With the right products from SPRENGER, you are perfectly equipped to enjoy this special vacation safely and comfortably. From the robust Fillis stirrups to the joint-friendly Bow Balance and Flexcite stirrups to the fur-friendly Comfort Roller spurs, SPRENGER offers everything a rider's heart desires. So nothing stands in the way of an unforgettable beach adventure with your horse.

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Travel tips: The most beautiful destinations for a beach vacation with a horse in Germany

A vacation by the sea with a horse offers countless opportunities to enjoy nature and discover new places. Here are some of the best destinations for this special vacation:

North Sea vacation with a horse

The North Sea is a fantastic destination for a beach vacation with a horse. Long sandy beaches and impressive dune landscapes invite you to go for long rides. Places such as St. Peter-Ording or the East Frisian Islands offer specially designated riding trails and excellent accommodation for horse and rider.

Baltic Sea vacation with your own horse

The Baltic Sea also offers numerous fantastic beaches and beautiful coastal landscapes for a riding vacation. Popular regions such as the island of Rügen or the Bay of Lübeck are ideal for extended beach rides. Many vacation farms and riding facilities along the Baltic Sea coast have specialized in guests with horses and offer excellent conditions for a relaxing and eventful vacation.

part of your passion.


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